Ryde Plurality
The Churches of Holy Cross Binstead and St Peter’s Havenstreet
Pew Leaflet for Sunday 6 October 2024
Harvest Sunday Year B
Holy Cross, Binstead (www.holycrossbinstead.org.uk)
St Peter’s, Havenstreet (http://StPeterHavenstreet.org.uk)
A very warm welcome to all worshipping with us today. At the Communion services those who are confirmed and those who normally receive Communion in their own church (whatever denomination) are invited to receive Communion. All are welcome to receive a blessing.
Sunday Readings
Genesis 2.4-9,15, Luke 12.22-32
Prayer for Harvest
Thank you, Lord, that Harvest reminds us, how the world should be when properly cared for. Forgive us for our careless attitudes to your creation, and our wasteful responses to your goodness. Help us to fulfil your first commission to tend and nurture the gift of this world, to your glory and for your name’s sake. Amen.
Prayer for all places of conflict
Lord, we pray for the people of Ukraine, the Middle East and all places of conflict; give them a sense of hope in their situation. May they strengthen each other and receive the love and nourishment they deserve. We pray that peaceful resolutions may be found, and that they will all know the love of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Prayer for the victims of natural disasters
God of compassion, hear our prayers for those who are affected by natural disasters: strengthen them in their hour of need, and grant them courage to face the future, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for the sick
We pray for those who are sick and who ask for our prayers: Marian, Mark, Mike,
Tina, Norbu, Paul, Joan C, Emma. (We also remember silently in our hearts: Heather; Jackie; Ann; Dave; Daisy; Brenda; Monica; Hester, Kerry, Izabel, John, Douglas, Pat G, Val).
Rest in peace
We pray for those who have died recently, and for their families at this sad time.
In Memoriam
Edward Thomas Cleaver, Rosina Elsie Ellen Cook, Carol Mary Dove, Lesley and Joy Allen, Raymond John Potter, Brian Sydney Hull, Arthur Brinley Durham.
Editor: Barbara Edwards –binsteadholycross@gmail.com or 01983 242906. Copy Date: Thursday midday. Church Diary: If you have any queries or additional dates for the Church Diary, please contact Barbara.
The Week Ahead |
Tuesday 8 October |
12.00 |
Food, Friends and Fellowship (Community Centre Havenstreet) |
Thursday 10 October |
Pastoral Visit (Kite Hill) |
Friday 11 October |
08.00 |
Morning Prayer (Holy Cross) |
Sunday 13 October |
09.30 |
Morning Worship (Holy Cross) |
11.00 |
Harvest Festival (St Peter) |
Future Dates |
Saturday 19 October |
10.00 – 12.00 |
3C’s Coffee Morning (Holy Cross) |
15.30 |
St Peter’s Parish Meeting (St Peter Havenstreet) |
Harvest Festival Holy Cross Sunday 6 October at 10.30.
The Church will be decorated with small pot plants in the windows, for example cyclamen etc. These will be distributed to members of our congregation who are on our Pastoral List. Donations of small pot plants will be gratefully received. Any gifts of food received will be taken to the Food Bank.
Don’t forget the Harvest Lunch will follow the service, and we look forward to seeing you there.
St Peter’s Church Meeting in Church
A meeting will be held on Saturday 19 October 2024 at 15.30 to discuss the future of the church. In order for the church to remain open and active in the community, we need more people from the village to come forward to help us to continue the good work we already do in the village. A letter has been delivered to all the homes in the village which explains our current position. Please come along to the meeting. Without more help and support from the villagers, the church will sadly close.